Data Breach Management Tool
Data Breach Management Tool (DBMT) is a software dedicated to help organizations analyse personal data incidents, assess their risks and timely report personal data breaches to the appropriate data protection authorities.
DBMT is the flagship product created by Privacy Optimization to automatize the analysis of data incidents and guide through the incident management.
What is Data Breach Management Tool?
Data Breach Management Tool (DBMT) is an innovative cloud-based or on-premise solution for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance that helps organisations quickly manage information privacy breaches, thereby reducing the risk of massive regulatory penalties.

Data Breach Management Tool
DBMT is a platform for GDPR compliance that helps organisations quickly manage information privacy breaches, thereby reducing the risk of massive regulatory penalties.
It is a pioneer privacy breach response tool designed to fully assist and automate the critical processes that Data Protection Officers and privacy teams must use to properly respond to personal data incidents
Businesses that fail to manage these complex processes correctly risk millions of Euros in fines and penalties, making DBMT a valuable tool for mitigating the risk of GDPR privacy breaches and regulatory violations.
Why is it Needed?
The GDPR legal framework provides greater privacy rights protection for individuals but also places additional strain on companies to observe all of the new regulations. It was created to alter how businesses and other organizations handle the personal information of those who interact with them.
At the heart of GDPR is personal data. It applies to the data stored in CRM systems and used in marketing campaigns, payment processing, as well as service delivery, hospitals, and the health sector. In other words, it applies to all customer communications, operations, and lead generation processes within your company.

How We Solve the Problem
The good news is that with the proper tools, companies can manage the process of reporting data privacy breaches and mitigate the risk of large penalties.
Properly reported data breaches do not always incur a fine, and when they do, the penalties can be much lower than those given to companies who failed to accurately report incidents in accordance with the GDPR requirements.
Data Breach Management Tool provides a single platform where privacy teams can log, store, and manage any privacy incident. Its adoption may save businesses and their insurers millions of Euros every year.